Mountainview High School Mountainview High School

Level 1 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss K. Fisher.

Welcome to the Level 1 English course designed to align with the new NCEA achievement standards. This course aims to provide you with a solid foundation in English communication and literary analysis.

Throughout this course, you will engage with the key strands of language learning: listening, reading, speaking, viewing and presenting, and writing. Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and exercises, you will develop your language skills while fostering critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication.

You will be exposed to a range of literary mediums such as short stories, poems, films and novels. You will explore themes, analyse characters, and interpret symbolism to enhance your vocabulary, comprehension, and appreciation for the power of language.

You will develop your writing skills and refine your ability to express ideas. You will learn to craft narratives, develop arguments, and improve grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Constructive feedback will assist you in honing your writing skills and finding your unique voice.

This course is aimed at students who are not taking Foundation Literacy.

Subject Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures