Mountainview High School Mountainview High School

Level 3 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss K. Fisher.

Recommended Prior Learning

English at Level 2 is recommended due to the nature of the course, although discretion is at the HoLA's approval.

The NCEA Level 3 English course will challenge you with the highest levels of critical thinking, reading, viewing and writing. This is a full year University Entrance approved subject. If you enjoy philosophical discussion, critiquing viewpoints, and developing your robust reasoning, Level 3 English is where you will thrive. As you explore a variety of genres, literature and language is at the forefront. There is the opportunity to use your own creativity, plus through debate, discussion and developing your essay skills you will be well placed in any future career path. Over the year you will build strong writing capacity through your portfolio - this will be assessed in Term 3. Most students will be expected to sit the external examination. Subject endorsement is possible. Scholarship English is an opportunity some candidates may wish to pursue. 

Subject Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures
Assessment Information

The entire course will be around 16 credits and will be selected from the assessments listed.