Teacher in Charge: Mr P. Bell.
Wood Tech - Y9
This option is for people who are new to the workshop.
The objective is through the completion of products that can be used in and around the home that a student will learn and develop their practical skill set. These include the use of hand tools, machines and power tools. Safe work practices will also be taught. There will be an element of design within the course.
Jnr Technology is interesting, forward-thinking and fun and gives the basic skills to take into our senior programs.
There is a focus on developing the skills necessary for students to pursue career pathways in Building, Engineering and associated trades. We work with Industry Training Organisations such as the BCITO and Tools 4 Work (Engineering) giving a broad range of associated trades. There is also the inclusion of Design in our senior school. There is enhancement through the Careers Dept with students doing short courses at ARA and Gateway work placements.
Note: There will a materials cost of $30 for take home projects