The aim of this website is to provide a guide to all students in planning their pathways towards senior school, further education, training and employment. It contains a detailed list of courses to be offered at MVHS, along with a listing of teachers/personnel who can give you guidance with your course selections.
Wednesday 6th November 2024
Dear Parents and Students,
Over the next two weeks, students coming to Mountainview High School as Year 9, as well those Year 9 students going into Year 10, complete their Option Subject selections for Semester 1 of 2025. It is an opportunity for students to choose subjects outside of the compulsory core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Physical Education. It is important to note, while core classes are made up solely of a single year level's cohort, Option classes may be made up of a combination of both Year 9 and 10 students.
Students in Junior School complete two semesters of Option Subjects within an academic year; a Semester running over two terms. Students have 3 different lines of Option Subjects to choose from. There is a range of 8 to 9 subjects to choose from in each line; each student needs to choose one Option from each line and then an additional 2 back up Options from each line. These back up choices are used to ensure that students all are placed in to an option that they have chosen, even though it might not always be their first choice.
- Click Learning Areas on the left margin
- This will bring up a list of all of the Options available to you.
- Separately, click on each of the 2025 Semester 1 - Options 1, 2 and 3. Select 1 main choice from each. This is your top and most preferred course from that option.
- Next, select an additional 2 subjects from each of the Options 1, 2 and 3. NOTE: you will need to make your 3 main choices (1 from each Option line) before being able to select any back up courses.
- Complete the subject selection by clicking > View Selected Courses > it should say you have 0 courses and 0 back ups to choose.
- Scrolling down the page to confirm your 3 preferred Option selections and your 6 back-ups. Remember, you should only choose TWO back-ups from each of the Option areas 1, 2 and 3.
- Lastly, scroll back to the top and click > Complete My Courses
Please take the following into consideration when making your Option selections for 2025.
Things to think about:
- What are you interested in?
- What are you good at?
- What do you enjoy?
- Try a range of different Options!
- Be bold and courageous with your choices! Give it a go!
Please note: Musical Production (MPR) is a year long course - you cannot join part way through the year.
Who can you talk to for advice?
- Parents and caregivers
- Ako Teachers
- Whānau leaders
- Your school's careers team
What NOT to do:
- Make your choice because that's what your friends are doing!
If you do not know what you want to do in your future, do not worry.
Keep your options broad.
Remember: Make your own choices!